The RIPE WHOIS Database contains information about IP address
space. This information indicates the country where resources were
first allocated or assigned, but is not an authoritative statement of
the location where any specific resource may currently be in use.

Using this information for IP to country mapping may result in

As the Internet is global, it is easy for users to either
intentionally or unintentionally use IP addresses that have been
assigned to a company conducting business in another region.  For
example, a user located in Italy may receive service from a company
with a link to Japan via a satellite company run out of the US.  Which
country the address space is registered under depends on their
business and networking arrangements.

Information about IP address space allocations is available in two forms:

1. Monthly reports of data relating to allocations within the RIPE region.

   These reports are available at:
   The format of the RIPE data and the conditions for its use are set out in
   the readme file at:

   Links to statistics produced by the other Regional Internet
   Registries (APNIC and ARIN) are available at:

2. Text file containing all inetnum objects in the RIPE Database. 

   The file is available at: 

   This file contains information about assignments and allocations.

   For more information about the format of the database objects please
   refer to the RIPE Database Reference Manual at: